The Auto Shop

Casey Hlavacek opened the doors of his new automotive service business on Monday, Aug. 12. The Auto Shop, will be working in the garage out of the OneStop just along Highway 212 in Faulkton, right beside the Happy Times Carousel.
“Our main entrance will be here, on the south alleyway that runs just beside the carousel,” said Hlavacek. “This garage has a pretty good setup all around.
The Auto Shop can handle a full range of vehicle services. Hlavacek is a Faulkton native, and is married toMegan (Tisher) who also has local roots. He graduated from Lake Area Tech in 2006 with a masters certificate in automotive repair.
“I’ve worked both for the Brookings Automotive Service Center, and the Anderson Ford Dealership in Lincoln, Neb.,” he said. “Megs and I started talking seriously about moving back home a while ago. We missed it here, honestly. Friends and family, people you grew up with and have known all your life. So we were just looking for the right opportunity to move back and for Megs to find a job here as well. This is the right opportunity for me, and she’ll be working down here part time with me to help me with my books.”
“I’m excited to start work as an independent businessman in my home community,” he said. “We’ve worked hard in a very, very short span of time, just a couple of weeks to get everything ready to open to the public.”
“Right now there are three bays in the garage and I have all the equipment I need, including new computer diagnostic tools to work on the most modern vehicles. From regular maintenance for things like oil changes to serious engine work such as transmission repair or replacement, I can get it done. The only thing I can’t do at the moment are alignments. That will have to wait for some future date.”
Content courtesy of the The Faulk County Record.